Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Trip to the coast

We've been in Vancouver and Portland these last few days, the pictures here are of us at Cannon Beach....where Chester CopperPot and the Goonies were:) Lance had to come up for work so Lincoln and I tagged along, we've had a fun time!

This is Lincoln at one of the hotels we were in. He's getting so big and even more and more fun. He's 5 months old now but at his 4 mo doctor's appt the doctor said he's healthy and developing just great. He weighed 16 3/4 lbs, I think 26in, and he was in the 90% for weight and 85th for height. Lincoln loves his daddy; Lance can get him to laugh giggle the most:) He's eating rice cereal really well and he's wanting to sit up but can't stay upright yet.

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Since I'm New At This....

I'm not a scrap-booker but I wish I had more tangible evidence of our family trace in this life so I'm trying blogging:) where I can make a digital scrapbook. But, since I'm new at this blogging thing... for a while it might be more like a life-time-scrambled-type-book. But here goes:) As of now, I'm 24 (so is Ang:), Lance is 26, and Lincoln is 5mo. We've been in Vancouver and Portland, and Canon Beach this last week.

Picasa Web Albums - emalee - Lincoln Bryce...

Picasa Web Albums - emalee - Lincoln Bryce...